My Own Headset Reviews

March 13, 2011

When it comes to gadgets I am really not an expert. So when I planned to buy something I ask my techy guy friends on which is a wise investment. Now recently, my boss just recently bought me a new headset. And since I failed to share my experiences about my previous headsets, I’ll start talking it first. The 2 headsets where actually purchase by our web developer which is my senior and is also based here in CDO.

iNtex Computer M/M Headphone Wireless Roaming (IT HP904 FM

The first headset I have was the iNtex Computer M/M Headphone Wireless Roaming (IT HP904 FM). This was given to me by my boss along with the eMachines laptop. It's a 5in1 headset; wireless headphone, wireless net chat, monitoring, FM radio and wired headphone. The headset is comfortable to use aside from the interference you catch when using it. To be able to use it on audio calls and listening to music you will need to fine tune it, just like scanning for a radio station. More often it catches radio signals so you need to scan and reset again and again until you hear the audio you want to listen. Since its wireless you will also enjoy not having to worry about the wire when you move but one downside also is that when you move and the headphone catches interference you sometimes lost the audio you are listening. Definitely not a good headset for me since I am using the headset for my recording task. 

Genius Deluxe Coil-Up Cable Headset

So after a month of dealing with the iNtex headset downside, my boss bought another new headset which is the Genius Deluxe Coil-Up Cable. This  headset provides an adjustable headband, coil up cable, rubber mic and In-line VR + Mic mute. It works fine, very comfortable, no interference and the mic is good for recording. However, just recently my Genius headset’s mic is not working anymore. Caller on the other end can’t hardly hear me or worst… can’t really hear me talking. Sayang! 4 months to go nalang sana para mag 1 year na xa.

When buying this kind of headset handle with care when rotating the mic down. I had a feeling my mic was damage in the pivot part because of careless up and down rotation of the mic.

Logitech ClearChat Comfort USB

Now that both headsets doesn't have a workable mic, my boss bought me yet another headset. However, this time boss picked the type of headset to purchased. I first browse a Logitech headsets at Amazon. (Boss preferred this coz he is using a logitech headset too) Boss choose a Logitech ClearChat Comfort USB and then asked me to check if it’s available here locally. After looking around at several stores, I finally found the Logitech headset at Interface, Limketkai Mall sold at the price of Php 1, 995. (Amazon Price: 31.99 usd)

Anyways, both the Genius and iNtex headsets are still useful even though it has no mic, it's still usable when listening to music. Hope this post will help you in a way in purchasing your own laptop and headset too!
eMachines by Acer D725 does not have a built-in mic, the exact reason why my boss kept on buying me a headset.

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