Good morning everyone!
Here I am again taking another shot on changing my sleeping habit to normal schedule. Im crossing fingers to consistently keep up with my schedule this time. I am hoping to do this the whole month just so my body will get use to it.
Still my work requires me to stay up from 10PM to 6AM but Im determine to go normal schedule in sleeping. Just had to work on the task delivery and report turn over, so as not to affect my work.
The reason im doing this is that my abnormal sleeping schedule causes me to get stressed easily and takes away my appetite. I always feel the need to sleep, which taking most of my time in a day. I easily get tired and most of the time lazy. Eventhough working at night use to gave me peace, lately Im no longer productive.
I now sleep just before midnight and woke-up around 4-5 oclock in the morning with no alarms. And then I do afternoon sleeping usually from 3-6PM. My afternoon naps still takes much time though, cant control it. However, I feel its a good start.
P.S. Was not able to catch good shot of sunrise lately. So Im posting this sunset shot instead on this post. Took this shot via my Sony Experia phone. ^_^
No this ain't for bragging the gifts I received but simply to show and say my utmost gratitude to friends who remembered me on Christmas.
My friend Risa got me this muscle tee from Oxygen. She really noted that muscle tees are one of my latest faves. Which reminds me to share my collections of statement muscle tees on my next post. ^_^
My friend, Dee, got me this two #OOTD worthy clothes. She said the model looks good wearing the draped maxi skirt and the crop tee in combo, so she bought them both for me. Here's a tip, she purchased this from an online sale at I managed to found it though... :D So incase you love it, here's the link for the draped maxi skirt and the crop tee.
This one came from my cousin, Nike. Im not a fan of leggings but still im looking forward on wearing this. This one is more like a ponte pants because its thick enough to wear as pants. I'm thinking of white top and a pair of boots to match with this. Watchatink?
Ponte Pants - They are a cross between a legging and a skinny jean. They are made from ponte – a thick, double-knit fabric with two-way stretch.
Lastly, got this candy glass from the exchange gifts in our neighborhood. Minus the candies though. I used it right after unwrapping it. We pre-picked the person whom we are going to wrapped gifts for and what I gave was a scented candles & diffuser gift set. I love it actually I almost dont want to give it. :D
Come to think of it I didnt get to buy any gift for myself. hmmm...
Anyways, kamsahamnida... salamat.. thank you everyone for sharing your blessing.
How about you? Did Santa tick any on your Christmas wishlist?
Because im into fancy things lately...
Found this crystal decals at a local accessory shop the other day. Been thinking of decorating the back of my mobile phone case because I cant find any fancy mobile phone case for Sony Experia Z. That's the advantage of iPhones and Samsung because they are so common phones, all fancy designed mobile phone cases are available for them easily.
I found some fancy designed mobile cases which you can even send your own design for Sony Experia Z sold online and on Instagram though, but the price is expensive since I still need to pay for the shipping fee as well. And the downside I cant fit it my phone in it. Lucky for me I was able to buy this gel case in my fave color after days of hunting at malls and phone shops that is... And it was sold expensively!
Since I've bought this the gel case I've been hunting for a perfect decals to decorate my phone. I have found cute decals but yet again they are perfectly fit for iPhones and Samsung phones. Argghhh!!! Was so happy to find this crystal decals. They come in different designs and can be use to decorate anything... you can use it to decorate your computer, laptop, car and wherever you like. Its easy to stick too.
I've decorated my phone for 3 days now and the crystals are still perfectly stucked on my phone case. Will still see in the coming days on how long this will last. Bought this at a cheap price though so will not expect much, although I'm praying... However, the good thing if it tear off sooner is that I can replace it with another design.
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
So how was your holiday vacation? Hope you all had a great holidays spent with love ones. ^_^
I bet you also receive blessings specially in the form of wrapped gifts. As for me, I received a few and will share them in the coming days... For now, I will share this outfit I wore at the Bonchon Chicken media meeting.
I've already mentioned that I'm into floral lately right? Was so thankful to a generous friend for passing this floral bottom-down top to me. This is just so fab and the cloth is so comfy. The shorts... got it from a thrifted shop.
The butterfly bracelet is from a blogger friend's wedding. It's a bridal gift to her entourage, was one of the bridemaids. Cute isnt it? I actually helped the bride on picking the designs. ;)
See yah on my next post!
P.S. Still thinking if will I make a new year resolution blog post. For now all I had in mine is to regularly update this blog with the latest things in my life and ofcourse in my closet... ;)