Earth Hour 2011

March 27, 2011

Thankfully I have manage to participate Earth Hour last night. Although we turn off our lights around 8:40 in the evening already. I was late 10 minutes because I've slept while waiting for the clock strikes 8:30. I was really tired from my cousins wedding earlier that day. Good thing mama still woke me up and reminded me about the time and after turning off all the lights and took a photo of the lamp with the clock I went back to bed. The reason I wasn't able to see who among our neighbors turn off their lights too and how the city looks like during Earth Hour. (BTW, for those who don't know our house can see an overview of the city.)
When I woke up again, the sun is already up. I ask mama what time she turn the light back on and she said around 11:00 PM already because she fell asleep too... That means our Earth Hour was extended too more than 2 hours... :D

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