Earlier today I joined CDObloggers Social Media Day celebration. This celebration started year 2010 initiated by Mashable to recognize the digital revolution. Now on its third annual Social Media Day celebration CDOBloggers group organized Social Media Day CDO for Kagayanon social media users. Cagayan de Oro City was one of the 461 cities who joined Mashable Social Media Day Meetups.
Social Media Day in Cagayan de Oro was held at BFB, Limketkai. I was not supposed to attend the gathering but for some lucky reasons and kind people I made it and attended the event. A few minutes after I arrived the fun started and the Pizza and drinks was served. A perfect timing for hungry me! :D
While enjoying the pizza CDObloggers President Vicmadz had another exciting brain exercise and asked us to introduce our self by using an adjective on the first letter of our name. If your curios how I introduced myself... It's V for very sexy.. :D
Most of us who attended in the celebration already know each other except for Jerick who came all the way from Iligan City and Onin, Sanasanz friend. Nice to meet you guys!
And oh! Ah come back CDObies also came Yani and Bryan.
Our special guest on the celebration is Mindanaoan who shared a lot of her experiences, perks and some disadvantages in being one of the influential social media user.
There was a raffle and three lucky peeps namely Robstroy, Yani and Roxanne, won web hosting from WebBotics.com. Congrats y'all!
The class picture! There were some people arrived right after this class picture though. So its not a complete class picture. :D
Big thanks to our awesome sponsors:
Social Media Day in Cagayan de Oro was held at BFB, Limketkai. I was not supposed to attend the gathering but for some lucky reasons and kind people I made it and attended the event. A few minutes after I arrived the fun started and the Pizza and drinks was served. A perfect timing for hungry me! :D
While enjoying the pizza CDObloggers President Vicmadz had another exciting brain exercise and asked us to introduce our self by using an adjective on the first letter of our name. If your curios how I introduced myself... It's V for very sexy.. :D
Most of us who attended in the celebration already know each other except for Jerick who came all the way from Iligan City and Onin, Sanasanz friend. Nice to meet you guys!
And oh! Ah come back CDObies also came Yani and Bryan.
Our special guest on the celebration is Mindanaoan who shared a lot of her experiences, perks and some disadvantages in being one of the influential social media user.
There was a raffle and three lucky peeps namely Robstroy, Yani and Roxanne, won web hosting from WebBotics.com. Congrats y'all!
The class picture! There were some people arrived right after this class picture though. So its not a complete class picture. :D
Big thanks to our awesome sponsors:
- CDO Places (http://cdoplaces.com)
- CDO Moms (http://cdomom.com/)
- The Kagayanon Blog (http://thekagayanon.com)
- Wow CDO (http://wowcdo.com)
- Travel ta Bai (http://traveltabai.com)
- Cagayan de Oro Info (http://cagayandeoro.info)
- Chemayel (http://chemayel.com)
- GotCha Tea Place (https://www.facebook.com/GotChaTea)
- WebBotics.com