What I Wore | Floral & Pink

January 06, 2015

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

So how was your holiday vacation? Hope you all had a great holidays spent with love ones. ^_^ 
I bet you also receive blessings specially in the form of wrapped gifts. As for me, I received a few and will share them in the coming days... For now, I will share this outfit I wore at the Bonchon Chicken media meeting. 

I've already mentioned that I'm into floral lately right? Was so thankful to a generous friend for passing this floral bottom-down top to me. This is just so fab and the cloth is so comfy. The shorts... got it from a thrifted shop.

The butterfly bracelet is from a blogger friend's wedding. It's a bridal gift to her entourage, was one of the bridemaids. Cute isnt it? I actually helped the bride on picking the designs. ;)

See yah on my next post!

P.S. Still thinking if will I make a new year resolution blog post. For now all I had in mine is to regularly update this blog with the latest things in my life and ofcourse in my closet... ;)

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