A New Day

January 14, 2015

Good morning everyone!
Here I am again taking another shot on changing my sleeping habit to normal schedule. Im crossing fingers to consistently keep up with my schedule this time. I am hoping to do this the whole month just so my body will get use to it. 
Still my work requires me to stay up from 10PM to 6AM but Im determine to go normal schedule in sleeping. Just had to work on the task delivery and report turn over, so as not to affect my work. 
The reason im doing this is that my abnormal sleeping schedule causes me to get stressed easily and takes away my appetite. I always feel the need to sleep, which taking most of my time in a day. I easily get tired and most of the time lazy. Eventhough working at night use to gave me peace, lately Im no longer productive.  
I now sleep just before midnight and woke-up around 4-5 oclock in the morning with no alarms. And then I do afternoon sleeping usually from 3-6PM. My afternoon naps still takes much time though, cant control it. However, I feel its a good start. 

P.S. Was not able to catch good shot of sunrise lately. So Im posting this sunset shot instead on this post. Took this shot via my Sony Experia phone. ^_^

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