Traveling with #HavaianasHotAirBalloonCDO

August 04, 2013

Question: If the Havaianas Hot Air Balloon can take you anywhere you can possibly imagine. Where Would You Want To Go?

OOTD - Bigbys YOLO Launching (3)

I know I already posted my answer on Facebook but I also want to share my answer here in my blog. ^_^

If Havaianas Hot Air Balloon can take me anywhere I would tour the world...

  • Stand on top of Eiffel Tower!

  • Turn the clock hands of the Big Ben in London!

  • Take a selfie shot of me with the rainbow and Niagara Falls at my background...

  • Take an aerial photo of Santorini, Greece (my ultimate travel wishlist destination)

  • Will not forget to drop in Seoul, Korea to say "Hi" to my Kpop idols. lol

OOTD - Bigbys YOLO Launching (2)

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