Hello September!

September 11, 2016

​Hi everyone! Im happy because its a long weekend. 
August left with a bang, as I receive several part-time job offers. Which left the first weeks of September very busy. I may not be earning big but I just felt so blessed being paid working on things that I love doing and having cool bosses to work with. And the bonus part is that I own my time and I can work anywhere I want.  
Talking about owning my time... my friend and I had an unplanned date this week. We just started with an "I miss you" conversation on Skype and the next thing happened is that where strolling at the mall together. We had so much fun catching up, eating, and shopping for there was an on going sale at the mall we happen to visit.
We really miss doing this dates. Since we rarely see each other nowadays, because my friends are now new moms and spends more time with their cutey babies. Infact, while me and friend had our date her baby's third wheeling with us. Which made it more fun and exciting because we got new experiences more than just eating, talking, and shopping together. 
Ofcourse I didn't miss the chance for her to take a snap of my outfit... I wore the new cami dress which I got from Sammydress.com. The dress is so chic and comfy. I just love wearing it. If you follow me on instagram (@venussmileygal) you probably see it on my feed a lot. 😆
Sorry not sorry... Infact there's more to come. Hahaha 

 How was your first week of September?

Dress: SammyDress.com
Bag: Newchic.com
Shoes: Yoins.com

A photo posted by Venus Smileygal (@venussmileygal) on

Oh by the way, for the first time I created a video for my outfit. Just triying it out actually... Im kinda awkward though. Forgive me. ^_^ 

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