What I Wore | White Tee and Floral Skirt

February 15, 2015

Plain tees are really a lifesaver when you're in a hurry!

As I mentioned in the previous post, me and my friends went out for a Saturdate today. Instances like this that I only have minutes to prep up. I always grab bottom first which I think would be the most comfortable and appropriate to wear for the occasion. from there will then pic the top that will match the bottom. I first opted for white muscle tees to match my floral skirt but then after taking a bath I noticed my shoulders are peeling from the sunburn I got last week. :( So grabbed my trusted white tee instead. 

I bought different colors of this plain tees at Bench. What I like most of this tees is that its in V-neck style. I love V-neck plain tees because wearing them looks sexy.

And oh! Its been awhile since Ive worned my preppy short skirts... 
I miss my kikay/girly days!

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