Showing posts with label Life Lately. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Lately. Show all posts

Don't I deserve to be me?

You know when you reach the point of your life that you’re so tired of people around you. Tired of always following what they want. I've always been the type of person who always follow what everyone wants and adjust myself to the situation or to the person. I just keep silent even if i'm no longer comfortable or tired. I always please everyone to like me and in order to fit in. 
 I guess lately that change a bit... lately all I wanna do is make myself happy and not pressure myself in making other people to like me. I never thought Id reach this point... but i'm probably tired of pleasing people around me. I just felt that the more I please and follow them, the more I feel hurt and lost my drive to live in this world. 
I  feel uninspired day by day thinking, hearing, or reading people expectations on what I should do and I shouldn’t. 
I feel like I have no right to do what I want. 
I feel like they are saying those coz i'm often wrong in the end and so I have no right to decide on my life.  
I feel so restricted to be me... to be happy... 
Yes, I've made mistakes. I mess up most of the time. I've made bad decisions. But don't I deserved to be me and be happy because of it? 
 Freedom and Peace. Why is it so hard to get?

#LifeLately | After The Long Hiatus

Hey everyone! It has been so long since I've updated this blog. I actually felt ashamed to my readers and disappointed in myself, since I keep on saying I am back and going to post regular updates. Yet, I am still missing in action. 

The challenges...

I noticed...what's holding me back from updating this blog regularly is that I want a well-organized and well-made blog post... Something that my readers will have some take away after reading. Something that is relevant and pleasing in the eye (image-wise most especially)… And so, it's stressing me out and not publish a post in the end...
With a lot of backlogs that I want to share, I got so overwhelmed on which one I should be sharing first and how to share it. Since it's been so long or it happened way back already.
Anyways, this time around I decided I won't make any more promises and I won't pressure myself in creating perfect and well-made content. I will let everything flow naturally and share whatever it is that I wanna share, whether it's insightful or not.
I realized... that blogging has been a therapy for me to express what I feel and what I wanted to say. It exercises my mind to think... not just anything superficial but to think happy thoughts. Blogging has helped me overcome my insecurities and anxiety... It helped me to successfully practice mindfulness and gratitude, without me knowing. Every time I clicked the publish button and share something here in my blog I feel happy, accomplished, and blessed.  

And I wanna experience that feeling again...

So to start, let's do the Life Lately series (read more about this series here),
since it's the perfect (and easy) post to start with...


Nothing... I haven't been watching anything from K-drama to YouTube vlogs. During my free time at work, I play mobile RPG (Role Play Games). I got addicted to playing games that I mostly spent my time and staying up late playing mobile games. 


I am thinking of going back to watching K-drama's again though.
Can you recommend me a feel-good or romantic-comedy K-drama?


I'm honestly wishing for prosperity for me this year... last year it was tough.


I hope that I will continue to post more updates here on my blog regularly. And that I won't be lazy or feel overwhelmed anymore.


I want to travel somewhere!


Inspiration... I don't know, just lately I felt so uninspired.


Sad, because I uninstalled Survival Heroes. I am taking a vacation from playing this game. I so much enjoyed and love playing this mobile game but I had to stop for some reason that is hard and long to explain. T_T


Something green... Sleeveless top and shorts. I just realize this now while typing. XD

Liebster Nomination 2016 From Kitty Journal

Hi y'all! Hows life?
I'm currently addicted to Instagram and getting the hang of Twitter, that most of the time I spent most of my spare time there rather than blogging. I am not sure if that's good or not. What do you think?
How about you which social network do you hangout the most? 
By the way, if  were not yet friends on Insta and Twitter feel free to connect with me and shoot me a comment on my profile so I can follow you back. I'm @Venussmileygal on both social networks. ^_^
 Today, I am going to answer questions that Kai of sent for Liebster nomination.
Thank you Kai for the thoughtful nomination. I enjoyed answering the questions...

1. What’s the story behind your blog name?
Venussmileygal has been my online nickname. And so when I created a personal blog I name it after my online nick. However, back then I am not managing my own domain and hosting so when the domain named expired and was not renewed immediately, the domain was taken away by others because it has a page rank of three and has high traffic. Got totally devastated and I almost stop blogging. When I slowly recovered from that blogging breakdown, I rebuild my blog on I name my blog Emotera Goddess because I am very emotional that time.

2. Who’s your inspiration in life?
My son and my mom. They are my drive to work hard and stay healthy because I know they need me.
And as for my son, he inspires me to be a better and stronger person everyday. I strive to be good and mindful because I know he looks up to me.

3. For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

Family and career... Hopefully in love life soon. :D

4. What’s your favorite dish and why?

Tough question.... I actually love a lot of food. 

5. Name one person that left a huge impact on your life.

My son. Having him had a large impact on my life because when I had him every aspect of my life changed. He opened my eyes to something that I didn't see, learn things I didnt know or would never thought I should learn, and find courage to face the cruel circumstances in life. Being a single mom is tough but I am able to stand and move forward to give him a comfortable life now and a brighter future.
6. Do you play any musical instrument? What are those?

No, but I would love to continue learning guitar. I initially learned guitar way back highschool but I stop. 

7. If you were given a chance to talk to God, what would it be and why?

Would probably ask me Him when does He plan to send me the love of my life? hahaha
But seriously, I just want to thank Him for all the blessings He has given me now and for always there behind me, extending His hand when I lost my path, carrying me when I cant stand, wipe my tears when I cried a lot and gives me a big hug when I needed it the most. :)

8. Would you ever travel to a non-air-conditioned bus?

I actually prefer non-aircon bus specially in long trips because I have low tolerance of cold air. I feel dizzy and easily get stomach spasm when long exposure to cold air condition. 

9. Do you have a planner? How do you keep them neat and accordingly?

I do have a lot planners which are already old. In fact, what I am using now is an old planner from previous years. :D
And that's how I keep it neat and order by not using it that much. hahaha! Kidding aside, I am no longer as religious as before in making use of planners. I am kinda sort of a spontaneous person.

10. Name one restaurant you would like to have/own someday.

A fancy coffee or pastry or tea shop. I've been dreaming of owning a cafe like those we see in Korean dramas.... Quaint, has fancy cups and saucers, decorated with flowers and hand paintings, and has a garden. :D

11. Ramen or Pablo Cheesecake?

Ramen. ;)

There you go everyone. I hope you enjoy getting to know me a bit through this questions... If you have some questions for me, feel free to send them to me in the comment sestion below. I would love to answer them on my next blogpost. ;)

Is Your Life A Best Seller Webtoon?

If your life was a webtoon will it be a best seller one?

Before anything else... Hello there! Happy hump day!
Yes. I admit this post was inspired from the Korean drama, W. ^_^
This question just popped in my mind while watching the drama... I commend the writer for such a mind-bogglingly twists in every episodes. Even though it made the drama interesting, I almost give-up at episode 5... I think or somewhere there. :D Not that its a bad drama, its just that my brain was aching trying to figure out the drama. I have so many why and how. hahaha
And I was watching drama while working with my online job, to entertain me... However, the drama added more stressful thinking. That is why I almost give-up. XD
Good thing I didn't stop watching it because it was amazing and exciting in the end.
By the way, for those of you who haven't watch and interested to watch this Korean drama... I watch it here.

Now back to the question... 
If my life was a webtoon will it be a best seller? 
Or atleast interesting? 
Or will anyone bother to read it?
To be honest, my life now is not really exciting and just plainly routinary.
That is in comparison to my  past life which definitely has it's own taste of bitter-sweet dramas. My past has so many ups and downs, struggles, disappointments, heart-breaks and challenging twist that thought me a lot of my life's greatest lessons. If anyone reading my life story I bet they would learned a lot just as I did.
My past made me a strong and thriving woman that I am today.
Made me appreciate everything that I have now.
Made me grateful everyday, for every blessings and miracles in my life now.

Nobody would probably bother reading my life now if its a webtoon.
But no matter how boring my life now. I am thinking positively that soon a romantic comedy will soon unfold. And I'm excited because that's my fave genre. <3 p="">
And even though in reality a happy ending is non-existent... (Because for me... as long we are alive the chapters of the book of our life goes on and the journey continues. And so possibilities are still endless.) I still believe that there is no reason for us to lose hope, if our life story is a best seller or not. As long as we wake up each day, we have the chance to recreate our life, make it more exciting in a positive way and also make it the best selling story.

Happiness is just around the corner easily given to those who are willing to receive and share.

Hello September!

​Hi everyone! Im happy because its a long weekend. 
August left with a bang, as I receive several part-time job offers. Which left the first weeks of September very busy. I may not be earning big but I just felt so blessed being paid working on things that I love doing and having cool bosses to work with. And the bonus part is that I own my time and I can work anywhere I want.  
Talking about owning my time... my friend and I had an unplanned date this week. We just started with an "I miss you" conversation on Skype and the next thing happened is that where strolling at the mall together. We had so much fun catching up, eating, and shopping for there was an on going sale at the mall we happen to visit.
We really miss doing this dates. Since we rarely see each other nowadays, because my friends are now new moms and spends more time with their cutey babies. Infact, while me and friend had our date her baby's third wheeling with us. Which made it more fun and exciting because we got new experiences more than just eating, talking, and shopping together. 
Ofcourse I didn't miss the chance for her to take a snap of my outfit... I wore the new cami dress which I got from The dress is so chic and comfy. I just love wearing it. If you follow me on instagram (@venussmileygal) you probably see it on my feed a lot. 😆
Sorry not sorry... Infact there's more to come. Hahaha 

 How was your first week of September?


A photo posted by Venus Smileygal (@venussmileygal) on

Oh by the way, for the first time I created a video for my outfit. Just triying it out actually... Im kinda awkward though. Forgive me. ^_^ 

Inlove with Maxis and Side Slit

Happy Monday!
Today marks the end of the long weekend. It's back to school tomorrow so I'll be waking up early to take care of the kiddo's needs.
The kiddo's birthday last Saturday was fun and tiring at the same time. The city is celebrating its annual Higalaay Festival. So many people in malls and everywhere in the city because of so many events happening. It's crowded and traffic. (>.<) 
I don't know when this all started but I seem to enjoy quite places and/or places with limited people around. I'm no longer use to dealing with crowds. Even with friends Im connected to just a few...
If I hadn't promise the kiddo I wouldn't have go out. Anyways, it was his birthday wish. And it was worth it because he had fun. Ive granted all that he wanted to do on that day from catching Pokemons, to eating at his fave restaurant, as well as playing at the arcade (which gave me muscle aches the day after.)  
What touches me the most, is that with all those activities we did he always asked me if I enjoyed it as well. My heart melts...Such a sweet kid! It's his birthday but his thinking of me.
About the look....
This was actually taken last May.
You may see this sleeveless top a lot for I have worn this a lot already. I just love mix and matching this Basic House top with anything.  
 I'm currently inlove with maxis and side slit. The skirt is my new addition in my closet. Found it at Centrio Mall Bazaar.

Life Lately | 01

Hey everyone! Hope you're having a great Tuesday!
Im starting a new type of post in my blog. Just to help me easily create an update for my blog regularly. So will be doing this weekly. This post is actually inspired from the Sunday Currently Link Up. I initially call this as "Tuesday Feels" but then I figured I might not follow a Tuesday blogging routine, so calling it Life Lately instead. Just so I can post any day of the week... ;)
So here's my life lately first update...

Fairy Tail Manga Chapter 496. Ever since I started watching the Fairy Tail anime I got hooked. And since I have already finished watching all the TV episodes, OVA and movie. I am now continuing reading it on manga cause I cant get enough of it. It's agonizing waiting for an update though cause only 1 chapter is published weekly.


All For You - Seo In Guk & Eunji
Lovely Day - Eunji
Masayume Chasing - Boa
Rain Tears - JL
I was made for Loving you - Kristel Fulgar & CJ Navato
Secret Love Song - Kristel Fulgar & CJ Navato

I'm a fan of A Pink Eunji. I just love her voice and smiling personality.
As for Kristel Fulgar & CJ Navato I just love listening to their duets since the first time I heard them sing "I was made for loving you".
Rain Tears by JL is actually one of the soundtrack of 2NE1 Dara's web drama, Dr Mo Clinic.

D.Gray-man episode 25 anime... I'm into animes lately. And while working I'm doing some anime marathon. It doesn't consume much attention because Im watching the English dubbed episodes.  :D

What to create for my next blog post... Im thinking of a theme to help me easily create a post on the blog next. Since I haven't been blogging regularly, I have a long list of things that previously happened that I want to share with you all. So to help me out I am thinking of a theme for each post to guide me.

For something exciting to happen in my life. I just realized that following a daily routine bores me... 

It will rain later... Apparently, it rain just before I publish this post but it stop shortly.  

To eat Crepes... Ahhh, I hope I can go out hunt later. There's not much resto who serve delicious crepes here. 

A budget so I can travel and escape for a moment.


Island Souvenir tee with ♥ Cagayan de Oro print on it (inserting advertisement ^_^) and pink shorts.

The Good Things

It's weekend finally! Looking forward to grab some rest this weekend since last week it was a working weekend.
Since the kiddo and I  transferred house... I've been very busy. I must admit I was having a hard time coping up with solo responsibilities. I was so used that my mom is there assisting me with house chores and meal preparation. It was hard but this teaches me to get organized, prioritized and focus. I have also learn to practice positive outlook everyday -- to only focus at good things of everything.
So for today, Im listing those good things that I gain recently...
* Breath fresh air. Well... yes, it is windy in this house I don't have to worry on the hot weather. Other than that though, the previous house kind of too small for me, my mom and the kiddo. So we gave mom a space to breath, without us relying on her on everything.
* Follow early sleep pattern. Since the kiddo goes to school early I need to sleep early to wake-up early. I was actually having hard time and only got less hours of sleep at first. And I'm always running out of time that even if I go to work early I still cant catch up at the end of the day. However, as I follow regular sleeping patterns I got used to it and slowly catch up with the rhythm of the time. I do catch up long hours of sleep on weekend though. :D
* Streamline important responsibilities. In order to help me catch up I have learned to say NO and work on identifying what's more important responsibilities to prioritize and focus on them. I learn to think first before saying YES to any commitments. 
 * Thought me to move. Oh yes! Having a bigger house means bigger responsibilities. I need to dust, sweep, scrub, clean the lawn, water the plants and so on....
* Kiddo learns responsibilities. Since I have so much responsibilities at hand, I have an excuse to ask him to help me with things. And he also learn to prepare his own stuff in school.   
* Having time out of the computer. The downside of working-at-home is that I can stay all day infront of the PC...Which is a really unhealthy lifestyle. Because now I found reasons to move away from my PC and have a little exercises.
* Enjoy the natures view everyday. I mentioned earlier that some of my responsibilities are cleaning the lawn and water the plants. This is because the house is surrounded with plants and fruit tress. And... oh yes... I can enjoy eating mango, makopa (mountain/water apple, santol (cottonfruit) and guava fresh!  
* Have more time to think. Since moving here I have done a lot of thinking on what I wanted in life. The peaceful ambiance gave me moments to realize things in my life right now. I wonder if this has to do with me maturing or lets just blame it to peaceful ambiance. :D

There you go! Didn't expect this post to be this long. Would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section...
Have a fun and relaxing weekend everyone! 

Bag: | Vest: Thrifted | Top: Basic House | Shorts: Jag | Sandals: Payless Shoesource

Life Lately...

Hi there! How was your summer so far?
Funny how my last post entitles "Welcome Come Back Giveaway" yet I was MIA and no blog update for the whole month of April. :/  
I know Ive made countless promises to blog regularly but here I am still missing in action. I actually want to update my blog regularly with what's the latest happening in my life but I guess they all end up, stucked in my mind. 
Anyways, here's some thoughts and latest updates in my life that I want to share to you...

I am still struggling in learning the art of saying NO.
I finally bid goodbye to that stressful job. Right now Ive got ample time seeking for a new full time job.
I find it hard connecting with people lately. I mostly prefer being alone and have peace on my own. 
I just transferred to a new house. Me and my kiddo, that is. I rented a house not far from my mom's house. And this is the reason I have limited time online. Hopefully I can blog about the house coz there's a lot of things I want to share about it. 
Cut my hair short last January.
Created a new DIY wedding invitation.
Had our Camiguin scape with cousins earlier this month.
Still trying to achieve a good flat lay photo. You can check some of my output on instagram.
Speaking of instagram, if you followed me you'll probably know I more active there.
If you haven't follow me feel free to do so... @Venussmileygal

A photo posted by Venus Smileygal (@venussmileygal) on

Blogging and What-Nots

How was weekend everyone?
Attended the general meet-up of the local bloggers group that I am a member of... CDO Bloggers. This has been a comeback gathering because its been a long time since we had a meet-up. Its so good to see everyone again...
And I also want to share good news... for me that is... that yet again I was among the Top 20 Fashion & Beauty blog in the Philippines. This time im ranking 9th spot. Yay! Way to go!
Thank you as always to you my readers and visitors... :)

A Place Called Mine

Hello Monday!

What was your dream house when you we're a kid?

 Mine was a 2-story house because I was dreaming of having a big family. So everyone can have their own rooms. And then it should have a beautiful kitchen, swimming pool and a garden. 

However, this change when I grow up... 

I now wanted a simple 1-story house. I still want it to have a garden in it though... One of the reason that change my mind perhaps is that I'm now afraid of big houses. Blame it to the horror movies... hahaha
Kidding aside, I actually don't remember when and how it changed...  All I remember is that I did dream once to have my own condo, experience being free to do what I want in  my own private space and have a job that ables me to travel everywhere. But this didn't happen because Ive taken a different path... which is working at home. The good thing is I can still travel whenever I want, I just need to save for the expenses. 
 Moving on.... 
I am sharing to you a wonderful experience me and my friends had at Primavera Residences. It's a serviced-condo here in our city. You can either have the option to buy a unit or rent a unit if you don't plan to stay long here in Cagayan de Oro.
What I actually like about Primavera is that the facilities are great. The property is eco-friendly... Has an indoor garden, gym and swimming pool in the building. 
Me and my friends really enjoyed our weekend. Foodtrip, swimming, movie nights and girl talks... In the morning, we got the chance to do a walking exercise because there is a wide area at the back of the SM City Mall. Oh I forgot to mention this, the condo is near a mall. How good is that? Just a walking distance to shopping and grocery. 
So perfect! I can imagine, me living in this community will have a healthy lifestyle. I can have the options to have a walking exercise, use the gym or swim at the pool. 
No wonder we don't wanna go home yet after the weekend stay is over. It was such a nice place to be.
If your visiting Cagayan de Oro and looking for a place to stay, try out Primavera Residences serviced condos. For more information visit blog for the rates and facilities of Primavera Residences.

Blog Meter's Top 15 for Fashion & Beauty

Happy flyday Friday everyone!
I am wearing a big smile because I just discovered yesterday that I am the 15th best fashion and beauty blog in the Philippines for the month of August! ^_^
You may check the other sites who made it to the best 20 here... Top 20 – Fashion & Beauty 
I want to thank you, my readers, for you are the reason I reach this spot. 
I apologize for this short update... I am suppose to talk more but I cant think straight because of my aching head. Im gonna have to rest.
Enjoy the weekend!