Happy new year y'all!
Same as last year I welcome the new with just me and Justine. My mom was supposed to join us but for health reasons, she wasn't able to come.
Even with just the 2 of us here in the house we still welcome the new year with a bang. Complete with decorations and food. This year the fireworks were a bit wild because it was raining ashes in the sky. Literally, the fireworks above our head because the neighbors next door or next block lit it up. It was so exciting watching them up close. Back at our previous house were just looking at it from afar because our house is overlooking the city.
The kiddo and I stayed up till 4AM just eating and talking. And then, I woke up around 11AM to prepare because my bestie and her fam will be visiting us. When they arrive we ate and then after that went swimming at the clubhouse.
While swimming the bestie convince me to come with them to the downtown mall. I was hesitant at first because I usually don't go out on the first day of the year. But the bestie and the kiddo keep convincing me to go. When I said yes, both of them were so happy. Part of my decision to say yes is that it's been a long that we visited downtown, especially the kiddo, who hasn't been to the mall for a long time already this can be an opportunity to let him go. And I miss Coffee Bean Tea Leaf date with the bestie, this has been our official bonding cafe. I thought it wouldn't be so crowded at the mall since most of the people still celebrating the new year at home.
However, I was wrong there were still a lot of people in the mall. But unlike the past year this time, many shops were closed especially the department store and furniture shop which was supposed to be the main reason why we visited the mall. The bestie was so disappointed.
The disappointment doesn't end there... Because our fave drinks at Coffee Bean Tea Leaf are not available even our second go-to drinks and the cold drinks as well. Bummer! And then kiddo had to shop for new shoes because the one his wearing is damaged. Good thing Bench has a 50% off sale.
So basically, only the kiddo fully enjoyed the day. He was very happy and positive the whole time. Which made me happy also.
So that's how my first day of January went. A day spent with people who care and matter to me.
Even though today wasn't the usual and ideal way of spending it but I'm still happy and had fun.
First Dose
November 11, 2021. I just got my Covid vaccine first dose. I initially didn't plan to get a vaccine but the city requires a vaccine certificate in order to go out. Since I am the one who does grocery and errands so I was forced to get one.
I registered online and got my schedule immediately after 2 days at the nearest mall, SM City Uptown. When I arrive at the mall I was able to go directly to the waiting area and skip the line because I have a confirmation schedule. The people who did not register online and just walk in need to wait a long line though because they prioritize the people who already have a confirmation schedule.
I anticipated waiting long because that's what I read on social media, so I brought with me a book, water, and a power bank. However, it was fast and well-organized. I was actually nervous and scared I might pass out, but thankfully I survived. I arrive home safe.
It was at midnight when I felt the after-effect of the vaccine, I had chills, so I turn off the aircon thinking it was the reason, but the chills never stopped it took me a while before I fell asleep. And the next day, I had a fever, and my body was heavy. I feel like all my strength was drained out. Even though I did advanced reading and research online on the after-effects of having a vaccine, I still feel worried and nervous. But my body is too weak to think and get worried. All I did was sleep most of the time. I don't like eating, but I force myself to eat and drink plenty of water cause I know it will help my body.
With my body so weak, it reminded me that I hadn't had a fever for so many years already. Thank you, Lord, for good health!
By the way, the vaccine I had was AstraZeneca.
Second Dose
December 14, 2021. I was supposed to come back in January, more or less 2 months after my first dose. But I received a text message about my second dose schedule a month before. I was really nervous because I didn't want to feel weak again, and I felt like my body hadn't fully recovered from the first dose.
I had my second dose at the same mall where I had my first dose. This time I experienced a long line and long waiting. it was not organized, and even though I am scheduled to have your second dose, they still mix you with the walk-ins. What's worse is the security guard mixed up the line, and so the late to arrive was the first one to enter the mall. I was really pissed off because, this time, I did not prepare anything to keep me entertained while waiting. My phone battery is not full when I arrive at the mall, and I don't have my power bank with me. Arrghh! The irony!
Thankfully, the second dose was not that worse. I had body pains but no fever.

Watch the Kings Avatar trailer...
I've been planning to dedicate weekends to write a new post in this blog but... I obviously fail to keep up. I was able to make it a weekend habit on reading my previous blog post though... I always start with it to get into the grove of writing, but I always ended reading only and not writing any.
And here is my attempt at publishing a new post...
There was that time when I was so passionate about blogging that I do a lot of things, like making friends with other bloggers, participating in comment exchange, and actively sharing my post on all social media platforms. So while reading on my previous post I also read the comments from other bloggers who commented on my post. I visited their blog and it's so amazing to discover that until now they still actively blogging and keep up with comment exchange. If I hadn't been inactive I probably would reach their level of popularity and readership. Most of us started with low following and readership back then, they all come a long way and consistently doing those things continously. And here's me... back to square one.
Regrets... Yes, I do regret not keeping up and letting perfectionism, insecurities, and anxiety consumed me. I also have a bit of regret, when I hastely change my domain back to Venussmilegal.com. I was so happy and excited that I finally got my main domain back and immediately change the domain name of this blog without thinking of the impact. It was late when I realize in doing so, it affected my blog traffic and Google Adsense. Oh well... Might as well accept it and move on. I am really happy that I got Venussmileygal.com back. So will just have to publish more post and connect with other bloggers again to get traffic and readership.
Readership... This has been my constant struggle. When I plan to write a post and start questioning myself... "Is this post going to make sense?" "Is this is going to be valuable to anyone reading this?" And that's how the pressure of publishing quality content starts to consume my enthusiasm in sharing and writing a post in this blog.
Reading my previous post, I notice that in my early years of blogging I was so carefree in sharing things in my life. It's actually fun reading and reminiscing the experiences I've had. And then comes the time when most of my posts are reviews and insights on products. That's the time a lot of sponsors reach out to me. And so when I tried to go back to the carefree sharing I was cautious if my readers will no longer be interested when I started sharing things about my personal life. It's actually nonsense for me to think that way because first of all this blog started to be carefree, and this is a personal blog so I can share anything I wanted to share. Silly me right?
I don't know how to end the post.... So yes, this is yet another random post of what's in my mind right now.