More about me...
Check out my answer when ask to tell something about yourself before...
For advertisements and any inquiries you can drop me a mail at venussmileygal[@]

- I like listening to music and dancing.
- I love to travel.
- I like taking photos and also like to be one of the photo subject. But I still need to work on my confidence!
- I'm friendly and accommodating. According to my friends.
- I am flexible. And easy to get a long since I tend to blend to the crowd and to the different personalities that I met..
- I am tactless. My weakness!
- Im the jealous type. Specially to the people who already have a special space in my heart. Good thing I now know how to hide and control this feeling.
- I am a dreamer. And constantly wishing that all of my dreams will come true.
- I am thoughtful when I don't forget.... lately I've been experiencing "Oh, I forgot" syndrome.
- I am a fighter. Someone once told me that she wish she was as brave as me in facing all her struggles and problems. I actually dont have a choice but to rise again and move on with my life's journey.
- I am emotional and a crying goddess in short Emoteragoddess. I am alone and loveless. I always cry my struggles and heartaches, this way I'll be able to pour out what I feel and ease the burden deep inside. One thing I hate of is me being so sensitive because even if I was just watching or reading crying scenes (drama) and touchy moments it already make me cry in an instant. Geezz... Am I really this open?!
- I am moody. Well, because of everything that I feel are suppressed just within me I tend to sway moods easily. This is the reason why I need an outlet to pour out whatever I want.
- I am caring. I know the feeling not being cared that is why I care whenever I can.
- I am lazy. Because I think a lot. My energy is drain from thinking that is why I just want to sleep or just seat... and think.
- I love to hangout. I always want to feel happy and forget about everything. That is why when I got a chance, I hangout with friends or even with myself. Enjoying life while I can.
- Most of all I am sweet. This is how I show my love and affection from the people that surrounds me.
Check out my answer when ask to tell something about yourself before...
Roman goddess of LOVE and BEAUTY - mother of Cupid (Eros) and beloved of Adonis im cute according to people I met... ahem! Smiling, nice, friendly. I love going to mall, surfing on the net, hanging out at my friends house, watching movies. I also love being called 'Icyblue'...
UPDATED ME!!! Well, Im a naughty and wacky gal, a crying baby but a fighter. Immature but a good advicer when it comes to problems of others. Happy go lucky but dead serious in finding stable job to help my mom & relatives. I love rock n roll but I also love slow music. I enjoy surrounded by a bunch of people but I also enjoy to be a loner and in a serene places. Crazy right?! But thats me Venussmileygal, unpredictable, unexplainable, unidentified flying object ooopps wrong! undefinable person...
For advertisements and any inquiries you can drop me a mail at venussmileygal[@]