Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts

Justine's 12 Birthday

To the boy that turned my life into an unexpected and meaningful journey... Happiest birthday! 🎂🎉 Having you is such a blessing. You may appear fancy, but you amaze me with a conservative perspective on things. You may be bossy, but you have the softest and kindest heart, most especially to lonely/homeless/disabled people you see. I hope you'll lessen your time on gadgets and more time on enhancing your skills and talent. Don't let shyness and disappointments stop you from doing things. As I always said to you... "More practice makes you better the next time. Be patient." May you continually grow into a sweet, loving, smart, gentleman and cheerful boy. Always remember that Mama loves you so much, Justine Mars! 😚❤

The Unplanned Birthday Surprise

Last March 9, 2013 was the birthday of one of my recently close friend - Jenjacqs. I have actually planned a week before on how to treat her on that day but some unexpected things happened. And yes as usual planning and me are not good friends so what was originally planned doesnt transpired.

So let me take you how the day was still memorable and made Jacqs happy.

Our dinner the night before her birthday... the yummy bulalo. I have the pic of our busy kusinero of the night but im sure Macky will not like me uploading it for some secret reasons. hehehe Thank you Earl for the Bulalo and adobo, your not just the master photographer but your also the master chef!

Earl's Bulalo
Forgive me for the "best" quality picture because we were already hungry this is the only photo I got... (Ug Nagpicture pako?! :P)