The Versatile Blogger Award
November 09, 2015
Hey everyone! Its been awhile since Ive shared something here in my blog...
I wanna thank Ira of Journal of Style and Kay of Shoes and Glitters for the Versatile Blogger Award (TVBA) nomination. I know its has been weeks that past since I was nominated, but hey better late than never right? :D
What I like when participating in blogger nominations is that it gives you an opportunity to connect with your readers and get to know them by nominating them.
What I like when participating in blogger nominations is that it gives you an opportunity to connect with your readers and get to know them by nominating them.
So here's seven random facts about me for you to get to know me better...
7 Random Facts About Me
- Im a single mom to a smart boy.
- I work at home as an administrative assistant.
- When shopping, I knew what I want but I always end up undecided and takes awhile to decide which is which.
- I love watching teen movies, fantasy, sci-fi and romantic comedies. I dont watch horror or suspense movies and TV shows.
- I love Korean pop and enjoys watching Korean TV series. Which eventually influence me a lot to like Korean foods and culture.
- Unlike school days where I dont like class recitations. I enjoy sharing my blogging knowledge through workshops. I really miss the workshops that our local bloggers group, CDBloggers, use to organize.
- This blog use to be after my online nickname, Venussmileygal, as well as my domain. I didnt have much any idea back then on some technical part of blogging. The domain was bought for me by a friend coz I dont have a Godaddy account. When its time for renewal of the domain he didnt bother renewing my domain and was bought by another who is very interested because my blog has a PageRank 3. I was so sad and almost stop blogging because of it. Good thing my blogging passion didnt die there and this blog was relaunch as Emotera Goddess. ^_^
My Versatile Blogger Award (TVBA) Nominees:
Jalisa of The Style Contour
Gemma of Jacquard Flower
Gabrielle of A Glass Of Ice
Abby of The Frugal Blogger
Diana of Different Colors & Different Styles
Rachel of Daily Luxe
Ella of Ela Bella World
Tina of Just A Tina Bit
Shelly Stuckman of Arizona Girl
Marija of Style Sense Moments
Ruby of Pinay Mommy Online
Ems of The Womom
Jacqs of Jenjacqs
Len of Len Parent
2. Select 15 blogs you have recently discovered and nominate them.
3. Tell 7 things about yourself.
Ruby of Pinay Mommy Online
Ems of The Womom
Jacqs of Jenjacqs
Len of Len Parent
About the Versatile Blogger Award
1. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to the blog.2. Select 15 blogs you have recently discovered and nominate them.
3. Tell 7 things about yourself.