3 Years With Twitter

March 21, 2012

Last December 19, 2011 I was tweeted with a greeting of my 3rd twitter birthday. I thought its one of those spam tweets for promotions so I didn't take it seriously back then.
However, just recently I discovered I got a screenshot of the web card attach to the greetings. It made me realized wow, its been 3 years since I've started using twitter. I am really not that active then, only in 2011 when I discovered its benefits and from then on im actively tweeting.

How does Twitter benefits me?
* Showbiz updates. Even though I'm not watching TV I can be updated of the latest showbiz chikka and happenings. More often than not, Twitter is even more advance than TV News and talk shows, I've proven this a lot of times.
* Get in touch with your idols. A lot of tv personalities and celebrities have twitter accounts. So if your a fan just follow them and get updates straight from them. And you can even tweet them greetings and ask them questions.
* Network and connect. I must say I love this part on twitter. I've been a Kpop addict since last year and with twitter I get to get updates and connect with Kpopers all over the world. And its amazing because you'll be overwhelmed of the response and support.
* Keep me inform. A lot of tv networks, magazines, local reporters, politicians, businesses and private citizens who post information about the community allows me to keep in touch with current events.
* Costumer Service. A lot of organizations and companies are using Twitter as a form of customer service. So its easier to ask assistance and even ask real time support directly from them.
* Traffic and Awareness. This is applicable to blogs, business, entertainment, community issues and event promotions. How? Twitter has #Hashtags which is used for targeted niche and topic. Using this hashtags would help in gathering and categorizing trending topics.
* Blog updates. Its not only traffic you'll get in Twitter but also a blog post idea. A lot of users are tweeting all over the world and if you keep track of the latest trending topic, made a story or give your own opinion then your blog is not empty nor left behind. ;)

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