Showing posts with label Gelatorama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gelatorama. Show all posts

Missy Bon Bon's 1st Anniversary

Yesterday was the 1st year anniversary of Missy Bon Bon! There were already lots of people inside and outside when I arrive. Everyone are busy eating and purchasing goodies and snacks. But the highlight of the celebration was the Gelatorama, it was like a feast of gelato's! There was a lot of new flavors to choose from and for costumers who had the Gelatorama pass including me had a blast of the unlimited gelato scoops.
There were also lots of prizes given like if you purchase a 200 worth of goodies will have the chance to pick an egg where you can found a prize inside. In the evening also there was a live band, Q & A games and prizes found under selected tables and chairs. Our table won a prize of yet another cup of gelato... hahaha

Heres our empty cups with my fellow CDObloggers...