Nicki Minaj New Kmart Collection

Nicki Minaj just released a first look at her new Kmart collection on her instagram the other day. It was said that the Nicki Minaj collection is set to hit Kmart stores this fall.

Here are 3 of the Nicki Minaj Collection she shared:

The Studio outfit. Each piece has the matching top/bottom. Nicki Minaj love this jacket.

Nicki Minaj Collection

Michelle Phan Launched Her Own Cosmetics

Michelle Phan
Famous make-up tutorial queen in YouTube, Michelle Phan has just released her first cosmetics collection. According to Allure, Michelle's cosmetic line is backed by L'OrĂ©al. The label name is ‘em’ which is a Vietnamese term of affection meaning “you”.

Schuler Comfortable Shoes for Women

comfortable shoes for women Making comfortable shoes for women with excellent craftsmanship and durability is what Schuler Shoes has been doing for over 120 years. It is their mission to provide the proper fitting shoes for women on the move, whether those shoes are to be for casual, dressy or sporty wear, for walking, running or jogging, or for any part of a woman's active lifestyle. It is important that ankles, feet and arches are supported sufficiently while providing flexibility.

Athletic shoes should provide support, a proper fit and comfort to your feet and body. Your feet take a pounding when you use them for activities such as running, cross-training, trail walking and more. In addition, whether sandals or clogs for summer casual use or dressy shoes or boots for special occasions, numerous styles and colors enable you to create multiple wardrobe options.

Launchpad Magazine Open Read

Me and my calendar issues! I really need and effective calendar or schedule reminder. I missed attending the Launchpad Magazine Open Read opening last Friday at SM City CDO because I taught the event will be on Saturday. urgh! :(
So what did I missed? Here are some photos I grabbed from my photographer friend Tom Udasco and at Launchpad Magazine Facebook page.

[caption id="attachment_2144" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Launch Pad Magazine Open Read A special fashion show with Benjie S. Manuel designs featuring BSM Fragrances.[/caption]

Traveling with #HavaianasHotAirBalloonCDO

Question: If the Havaianas Hot Air Balloon can take you anywhere you can possibly imagine. Where Would You Want To Go?

OOTD - Bigbys YOLO Launching (3)